Lydia Meiying’s Circus

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls please take your seats, Lydia Meiying‘s Circus is about to begin…

Da da dadadada da da da da, da da dadadada da da da da…

Our first performer for your entertainment is the Strongman, prepare to be amazed by his superhuman strength!Lydia Meiying, Strongman - Envelop

Watch the Lion Tamer turn this ferocious lion into a purring pussy cat.

Lydia Meiying, Lion Tamer - EnvelopHow many Hula Hoops can this pretty girl keep up? Watch and see!

Lydia Meiying, Hula Hoop - EnvelopPlease give a round of applause for the Performing Seal and he will clap back!

Lydia Meiying, Performing Seal - EvnvelopHere is the full cast of entertainers around the back.

Lydia Meiying, Circus Cushion Backs - EnvelopAll the circus cushion covers are available in three sizes at €19.99, €22.99 and €24.99 with free shipping worldwide. There are also placemats and oven gloves in the same design.

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